The Ghost Adventures crew of Zak Bagans, Nick Groff and Aaron Goodwin investigate the scariest, most notorious, haunted places in the globe on their hit Travel Aqueduct series, currently in its eighth flavour.  The trio interview eyewitnesses and historians at each location, learning the stories of the ghosts they will later provoke and confront during their dusk-to-dawn lockdowns, from which they don't always come out unscathed.  Their milestone 100th episode (ambulation on Oct fourth) features a special investigation of the infamous Exorcist house in St. Louis, where the actual events depicted in the popular film took identify.

During this recent interview to promote their upcoming 100thursday episode and their Halloween special, which took them to historical haunted Transylvania, Zak Bagans, Nick Groff and Aaron Goodwin talked nigh their feel in the Exorcist house, just how unsettling it was to be there, what information technology was like to get to Transylvania, finally getting to get to Alcatraz, how they've matured equally investigators and people since they started the show, what advice they'd give to people surrounded by unwanted paranormal activity, the locations they'd withal love to visit, their defining moments since they started the series, and how information technology's more than than merely a TV bear witness for them.  Bank check out what they had to say after the leap.

Question:  How was the experience of being at the Exorcist house?

Ghost Adventures Z Bagans N Groff A Goodwin

ZAK BAGANS:  The 100th episode at the Exorcist house deals with something that we've all been through before – possessions – and this was virtually learning more about the experiences we went through.  Nosotros were there for each other, in those moments.  It'south something that the three of u.s.a. will really only empathize because we were there to feel it and to witness it.  To exist at such an iconic abode that housed the world'due south nearly famous possession and exorcism, and to larn the truth about information technology and to really speak with an ancestor, who is a great niece of the main exorcist, Father William Bowdern, to interview her and hear her side of the story about witnessing her uncle at a Christmas party, and talking nigh the actual exorcism, was a true honour for us.  To hear her tell us, and look within our eyes and say, "I will non go to that house to do this interview.  I will not fifty-fifty go down the street to do this interview with y'all," erased my skepticism that this house is non haunted.

I'1000 a business firm believer that a haunting takes place where somebody dies a tragic decease or a suicide.  The supercharged emotional event attributed to a death creates a portal, or a doorway to a haunting, and a residual energy that houses a nest for that entity.  Only, I was unaware that an exorcism that housed supercharged emotional energy dealing with a spiritual event of Satan himself is merely equally powerful every bit the deaths.  So we went there to investigate a man who claims that he was recently attacked in the home in 2009. A man who'south credibility was really, really strong, through the words of the great niece of Father William Bowdern.  She validated his credibility.  And ultimately, this is what attracted us to the house.  We wanted to investigate with the questions of, "Did the demon re-emerge itself from the exorcism in the 1940s?  Was he simply experiencing this psychic scars re-manifesting from the residual energy of the rock and wood surfaces of the home?  That is truly what attracted us to the investigation.

Ghost Adventures 12 Zak Bagans

When did you do the investigation?

BAGANS: In August.  That'southward why we're shaken upwards. We're withal shaken upward from it.  It'southward draining afterwards awhile, not because of the traveling, but considering of what we encounter with the energies.  The energies are what blows my mind.  They drag everything out of you, and sometimes your ain soul.  You really have to mentally exist stable, or else y'all'll lose it.

What was it like to go to Transylvania?

NICK GROFF:  We accept been to very interesting and unique locations, all over the world.  Throughout our journey through Ghost Adventures, Zak, Aaron and myself have been on a crazy roller coaster ride.  Simply, at that place's nothing like going overseas, back into that very rich history.  Nosotros did that when nosotros went to Transylvania to investigate Dracula's capsules.  Information technology was merely an amazing experience to step foot on the basis and be some of the first investigators always to investigate where Dracula ruled and his begetter, Dracu, was born too.  It was interesting.  Aaron and myself actually captured some astonishing evidence, in the process of beingness able to investigate the former castle that he ruled, while Zak was in this forbidden woods that was absolutely insane.  It was just an admittedly amazing experience to be a function of.

AARON GOODWIN:  Nosotros got to encounter where he was born, where he ruled, where he was captured, and where he died.  We got his whole family unit history.  It was awesome.

Ghost Adventures Z Bagans, N Groff A Goodwin 2

BAGANS:  We were trying to interview Princess Brianna Caradja.  The princess is Vlad Depes' last known ancestor through blood, and she wasn't going to interview with us.  And so, all of sudden, Princess Brianna Caradja agreed to do our interview, very last minute.  She arrived and we were hurrying up to do the interview.  While we were interviewing her, she told united states that her ancestor, Vlad Depes, came through.  We were not expecting that considering Romanian people are not open to talking almost ghosts, let lonely the ancestor of Vlad Depes.  She told u.s. that, during a Ouija board session near 15 to xx years ago, her ancestor, Vlad Depes, came though and spells out V-50-A-D on the Ouija board, and started giving her information and premonitions virtually her upcoming life.  It was actually interesting.

What other upcoming investigations practise you lot have this season?

GOODWIN:  They're crazy!  They're crawly.  We finally got to go Alcatraz, and that was an experience.  We've been trying to practise that for awhile, and that finally happened.  And we did a absurd re-enactment scene in Prairieville and we got some amazing evidence.  We really went to a mustang ranch that was really haunted, out in Reno.  That was pretty cool, to.

How did you guys originally see and start doing what you lot practice?

GOODWIN:  Me and Nick met back when he was in college, and we helped each other in some projects.   And so, I met Zak through Nick and joined the show.  I had never fifty-fifty though about ghosts, and then I was like, "All correct, I'll assist you out."  And then, all of sudden, I was similar, "What the heck just happened?!"

GROFF:  Zak and I met because he actually DJed my nuptials, which was cool.

BAGANS:  I screwed up his first trip the light fantastic toe song.

Ghost Adventures Z Bagans N Groff A Goodwin

GROFF:  It was funny how the three of u.s.a. came together.  Our paths crossed for the reason why we're here today.  The three of us definitely had an interest in all things paranormal.  One night, we were sitting around and I was talking to Zak and said, "Let'due south go out and get some gear with money nosotros don't have and try to go to some of the haunted locations in Nevada and see what happens," and that's exactly what we did.  The three of united states hopped in Zak's car and we drove to Virginia City, but on the way, we stopped at all the haunted mine towns and all of these cool little off-the-beaten-path locations.  Subsequently we had all this footage, we were like, "Wow, this is astonishing!  We've got to do something with this.  Nosotros have to show the world what we captured."  What we did is we said put a narrative to a documentary, and that's what Ghost Adventures spawned from.  The rest is history.

How have y'all matured over the course of doing this testify?

BAGANS:  Well, investigating 100 episodes has definitely matured united states, and it'southward matured our level of knowledge within this paranormal field.  The fashion that we take learned and gained our noesis is through our various investigations and the unlike professionals, scientists, demonologists and what not, that we have interviewed.  For the 100thursday episode, we brought in one of the nearly educated demonologists in the globe, Dr. Bradshaw, who'south from Scotland.  He and others like him are the people that we ultimately gain our knowledge from in this field.  Nobody on this planet volition e'er be able to answer the question, "What happens when you dice?"  But, what we can respond are the questions that we take nigh, "How are we able to capture these voices?  How are we able to feel these compelling events?"  We all the same don't know how they're able to answer questions.  All we tin practice now is but capture this evidence, and it just keeps getting more and more compelling, the longer and deeper we are in this field.

Ghost Adventures 09 Nick Groff

GROFF:  Over the years, a lot of learning comes from experience, with annihilation that you exercise.  With Zak, Aaron and myself as paranormal investigators, we get to a new location, week after week, and we are learning and then much about life, near expiry, and nigh all the things that become through everybody'due south heed, no thing what their groundwork is.  That'southward and then compelling to us because nosotros feel like nosotros skated on sparse water ice for and then long, on that other side.  We're well-nigh in between two dimensions with what we're doing sometimes.  To me, that's scary because, well-nigh of the time, you don't know who you're communicating with or in what dimension.  You lot can theorize and you can talk most different pathways that happen after you lot dice.  The scariest affair for me is coming into contact with something that's negative, where it tin can actually attach itself to you personally and lash out on your health, your physical well-being and your mental state.  It can linger with you for a long time, unless you put yourself in that positive surrounding where you lot don't let it win and destroy your life and everything around information technology.  The three of us have gone through that.  We're still going through it, and information technology's very scary.  Information technology's unsafe.  Nosotros didn't realize that when we outset started.

BAGANS:  Nosotros are dealing with attachments.  I'chiliad dealing with them right now.  I don't know what they're doing.  I am seeking various people to help me with it.  They're very real, the things that they practise in my home, and the things that they do to people that I go close to.  Every girl that I always attempt to accept a human relationship with will accept an experience.  I have a possessive female spirit.  I was as well told I have a demonic attachment.  They make me sick.  They make me agitated.  Information technology's a side that nobody sees.  Information technology's brought us closer together, even though we'll still have our stupid trivial friendly fights.  These are guys where these 100 episodes accept brought usa closer together because they've been through it and they empathise information technology.  Information technology's crazy.

Ghost Adventures 10 Zak Bagans

Going to the Exorcist firm and seeing what can happen to a little boy, in a worst case scenario diabolical possession, is when it gets bad.  That'due south when it goes from merely having an attachment to having a total-on diabolical possession where you lot're non even in control of your ain body anymore.  You know that your torso is not your body anymore.  It's the torso of Satan.  And even just saying that out loud is scary.  That's how deep we are involved in these investigations.  It's why we become the help of the most educated demonologists in the world.  We talked to the family members of the exorcists from the exorcism portrayed past the movie.  While we were at that firm, we communicated with an entity and we shared that evidence with a priest who is an exorcist.  During the filming of that episode, I had a medical thing happen.  Nosotros accept actually asked ourselves, "How far do nosotros desire to proceed going with this?  Practise we really want to keep doing demonic investigations?  What have we gotten ourselves into?"  It's crazy, but we're involved in it and this is what we do.

What communication would give to a homeowner that lives on laylines, or has a vortex on what was once considered sacred Indian grounds, and that are having unwanted paranormal action?

BAGANS:  Move.  If you chose to alive in a domicile that is living on intersecting laylines, and y'all're living on an Indian burial ground and having paranormal experiences that are bothersome, you're not going to get rid of them.  They've taken buying of that abode and that area.  You're laying on nest of intersecting energies, and you're not going to erase those energies.  You tin go the route of trying to go the home cleansed and helping that spirit move on from at that place, only when you're living in a geomagnetic location and the abode is actually placed on tiptop of a geomagnetic intersection of energy on top of a burial ground, it doesn't matter what you lot do.  I don't believe that you'll always exist able to get rid of that, then information technology'south either you lot put up with it or you get out.

Are at that place locations that you guys would love to go to, that oasis't let you in yet?

Ghost Adventures 08 Nick Groff

GROFF:  At that place are so many places, all over the world, that I want go to, specially overseas.  There are a lot of actually, really awesome places in Ireland, and some actually insane places in Australia.  There are notwithstanding some outside of New York.  There'south this huge mental infirmary that I've been dying to become to, forever.  It's just then hard to get permission sometimes.  Governments ain the whole complexes.  Simply, there are a lot of places.  We've been hitting a lot of the places that I've wanted to go to for a long time, like the Exorcist business firm.  I've always wanted to do that one, and that dream came true.  I don't know if it was a good determination that we did it because it's scarred me.

If you could take just one investigative tool with you, what would information technology be?

BAGANS:  My SP7 spirit box.

GOODWIN:  Myself, just considering you can sense sure things when it happens.  Only for proof, I would bring the PX.

GROFF:  For me, it would probably be myself, likewise, just because of experience, and I know the feel and sense of everything.  I would also bring a digital recorder to hear what the spirits are proverb to me.

What exercise each of you lot feel was your defining moment, since you've started doing this?

BAGANS:  I would say that the defining moment for me was when I went from a male child to a homo, in terms of the paranormal world, at Bobby Mackey'south Music Earth, where I had an exorcism performed on me.  I wasn't expecting that.  Bobby Mackey inverse everything for me.  Once nosotros investigated Mackey'south and what happened to u.s. in the first investigation, and so we did an issue and brought 100 people there to witness what a lot of people thought was maybe rigged.  We're a TV evidence, so we decided to bring 100 people there.  And that ii-day event could accept been a real-life horror moving-picture show, for all the things that happened to all the people at that place.  Information technology was non-stop.  I saw myself actually be taken away by ane of the priests there, and had him put medallions and holy water on our foreheads.  We couldn't even blank the pain of how bad it was burning.  That eventually lead into another investigation with us to return to Mackey's, and bad things started happening to all of us, personally.  Merely when I vicious under this possession and had to be exorcised, things happened that will never been shown on photographic camera and will never exist told to anybody except Nick and Aaron and the priest that was there.  That was a defining moment for me. I'm done with Mackey'southward.  Nosotros're not going in that location always again.

Ghost Adventures 06 Aaron Goodwin

GOODWIN:  Mine was the Winchester Mystery House because, during that moment, something snapped in me.  Since then, I've been more aggressive.  I'll exercise whatever it takes to become the evidence.  That was weird.  The Hellfire Cave was likewise a turning point. I was scared half to death.  I had never thought about ghosts.  I was never into ghosts, so there was this whole stupor moving ridge thrown at me.  And once your chosen for the paranormal, information technology keeps you lot in it, so I just kept doing it.  At present, I've learned and then much over the last 100 episodes that I'm completely different, just still the same.  Information technology's really weird.

GROFF:  The 1 that defines me was when I saw that lady continuing there, two anxiety in front end of my face, and was like, "Wow, that's the moment I've been waiting for."  And so, something else occured in Savannah, Georgia.  In that location was this negative free energy that but overtook my own mental state.  All of these moments and all of these experiences lead up to where I'k at in my life, correct now, considering it opened my eyes and information technology fabricated me call back that something more evil and sinister lies out at that place, that nosotros don't fully empathise and that can really linger on your ain mental land and actually destroy your well being, your own inner soul and your own spirit.  It woke me upward at the Exorcist firm to hear all of those devil voices come through.  And and then, talking to the priest really opened up my mind because I wasn't such a religious dude.  I was raised as a Catholic, but I'm more than spiritual.  In that sense, I'm open-minded with talking to everybody from all types and backgrounds.  I woke upwards and said, "I need to calm down with what we're doing and be more cautious."

With the way technological advances are going and the mode you go along advancing what yous're using, do you lot call back that you're going to get to a indicate presently where y'all'll be able to definitively say, "Here's what nosotros plant, and here are your 4 or five unlike pieces of proof"?

Ghost Adventures 02 Z Bagans, N Groff A Goodwin

GROFF:  I think we're already at that level.  Nosotros alive in the digital historic period with cell phones, and all that kind of stuff.  It's merely moving so fast that we human beings tin can't continue up with it.  But, the one thing that the digital age is doing to the paranormal world, and especially for usa exclusively, is that it'south enabling us to work with inventors and electrical engineers who are so enthused about the world of the paranormal, and they're putting their cognition and teaching to building and designing this new equipment and modifying existing equipment.  That is really enabling the states to take a personal experience and validate scientific information to suggest that there are fluctuations within the environment that are in unison to these experiences that are unexplained.

Information technology's then important for u.s.a. to separate ourselves from just a boob tube prove.  Nosotros do Ghost Adventures considering we love dissecting history.  We love presenting the history of locations.  We love to travel.  We love to show our personalities and have fun with each other, as friends.  Only, we are getting more serious about this because nosotros know it's real.  How can we update and actually put ourselves on a higher level by showing our brownie?  That is by using all of these new and different scientific pieces of equipment and working with engineers.  It is really, actually getting to the level now where we don't know what to practise.  We're showing this on tv, but we actually should exist having some more organizations come and witness this stuff.

Ghost Adventures airs on Friday nights on the Travel Aqueduct.

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